We invite all fans of orienteering to interesting UNESCO world heritage site - Vlkolínec, which is part of the town Ružomberok. Vlkolinec is located in Velka Fatra National Park below the majestic peak Sidorovo.

Beautiful environment and unique views are available from many places races, as well as training maps.

Program of 3 stages

Chief Designer
Training map sample - to warm up

Stage 0 - Before the first stage maps and route of training will be available to "warm up" and familiarity with the terrain to all competitors free of charge.

Chief Designer
Middle course - map sample

Stage 1 - Middle course - National Ranking Competition 24th of May 2014. Challenging mountain terrain with plenty of rocks (boulders) in coniferous vegetation, terraces (earthen banks). overgrown meadows

Fashion Designer
Score-map sample

Stage 2 - 30 minutes sprint Score with a mass start in an attractive area Vlkolínec and its surrounding. Built-up area - urban area and overgrown meadows with plenty of terraces.

Visual Artist
Long cource - map sample

Stage 3 - Long course - National ranking competition 25th May 2014. Terrain similar to stage no. 1